Monday, November 3, 2008

Who is Kimberly?
I was born Kimberly Ray McClendon 10/07/1960 in small Kentucky town with a bloodline blend of Scotch Irish and Cherokee and lived an uneventful small town life. My mother had a beauty shop in the home and my father was a teacher. He taught biology and physiology. I use to grade his students test papers, just to have something to do. His test where all fill in the blank and essay. He believed either you knew the human body and the systems or not. There was no margin for mistake and no-guessing games on his test. It was common for anatomical charts of the human body or plastic body parts lying around the house. Besides that as a child, I stayed in my room a lot and cried, always feeling misunderstood and alone in life. My teenage years where typical of the 70’s kid, I mostly stayed stoned through out high school. Now I know I was an emotional empath and I could feel human pain on all levels and could not separate it from my own pain as a child. The drugs and alcohol numbed me out as a teenager. After graduation, I immediately went to a Medical Laboratory Technician vocational school. This didn’t make any sense because I hated science and had always wanted to be a commercial artist. I hated working in the hospitals and clinical laboratories that I remained in for 15 years. I never felt like I was where I belonged. Despite the fact, I successfully worked as a supervisor of Blood Bank in a hospital for ten years. I left that position to be head of the Bacteriology department in a diagnostic clinic.

I married at age 19. We had met partying and continued do so; our life was work and party. We purchased a little white house in the county and acquired a golden retriever. Soon we became interested in the breed and sport of dog showing. This was the only real excitement in my life. We traveled and successfully showed dogs for about 12 years.

Our partying days came to a halt. When the police arrived to a party, we had attended. Our friends ended up in prison for trafficking drugs and I had a wake up call. I remember the day my parents came to get me out of jail. On the way home, I made a deal with God if you get me out of this I’ll do whatever for you. Can you image the laughter that rang through the universe? I remember when I invoked this prayer of commitment, an opening formed in the sky and a light beamed into my crown. I tried to tell my partner, he told me I was hung over and delusional. The timing of this life event happened at the same time as what is known as the Universal Harmonic Convergence.

June 22, 1991 my life changed again when my daughter was born. Things that seemed significant before had no meaning now. This being of love was all where was. Life was a different adventure now.

When my daughter was about two, my husband did not come home one night. After being married all of my adult life, I was suddenly a single mother of a two year old. My uneventful life flipped upside down and I had no coping skills. I never had to struggle in my life and suddenly life was a struggle. Like that was not enough my, boss in my present job was very insecure and controlling, the type that kicks you when your down. I was at the lowest point of my life and she was adding straws to the camel’s back daily.
One day when I was laying in my bedroom floor curled up in a fetal position uncontrollably crying, begging God to take me. I couldn’t take anymore, my personal life and career both where crumbling. Abruptly I stopped crying and got up with this knowing I had to quit my job and go to massage school. There was nobody in my life to stop me. I could do want ever I wanted to. Now looking back God did take me, I surrendered. Moreover, I see my old boss as an angel that kicked my ass.

That summer I bred every dog I had. I never had bred my dogs to make money, only for the purpose to have a new show dog. God gave me resources, my dogs. I had loved and natured them, now in this moment they where taking care of me. I had a national reputation in the dog world so I knew I had homes available waiting for puppies. That summer I quit a career of fifteen years with full paid benefits to raise puppies, with my daughter and began massage school. This was a glorious summer of wonderment in my life.

Massage school was easy for me. From the beginning, I knew exactly where, to put my hands, I just knew. The school I attended was traditional massage and did not offer any energy classes nor did they discuss energy with us. I do remember a couple of people who said they did Reike but I was unfamiliar with the term. One day at lunch the Reike girls approached me and ask if they do some work on me. Sure, I’m game. The whole time I was on the table, they kept discussing among themselves my energy. Something about it was different to them from others. Apparently, my field had a high vibration; I was clueless to what this meant.
The next day when I arrived at school one of the girls told me she had something to tell me. She clasped my arms and looked into my eyes and said,”There are Angels who chose to walk on Earth; they came because they have work to do for humanity, you are an Earth Angel”. I laughed and said,”I don’t see any wings on my back, nor a halo”. She replied, “You do have a halo and you just haven’t used your wings yet.” At that point of my life it was more like no halo and one wing in the fire.

About six months later, I was working for myself, establishing my massage business. One day this guy showed up at my office, said he had been looking for me. He told me we shared a mutual friend and that he did this thing called energy work. He wanted to do a session on me. Sure, I’m open so I agreed to experience the work. Again, this person was in awe with my energy field. He had never worked with anyone that was as sensitive as I was. I could track the energy through out my body. He couldn’t believe how sensitive I was for the first time I had received this type of work. I could track the energy moving through my body into the organs and feel chunks of things breaking away from my body. It was pure joy for him to work on me because of my ability to sense the energy and give feed back of the experience.

He probably worked on me about three or 4 times. I do not remember his name. I don’t know what he called the work he did. I do remember him talking about a book titled something like, Dancing with Dragon. I do know this was an awakening of something deep within me.

In conversation he shared with me about children who could see energy and beings that where in other planes of existence. I knew my daughter was one of these children .She had always had an imagery friend and she would sing and talk to the angels. I thought is just her imagination and I was going along with it because it was fun. That night when I got home, I ask her if she saw lights around people and she said, “No, mommy it’s not around people it takes their shape”. She sat me down and explained all about the colors, that she so innocently saw, energy as I had labeled it. My life has never been the same. That started the quest. I had to get my hands on all the information I could so when my innocent one ask questions I would have explanations.

I began buying books that had pictures I could show her so she would know other people also saw what she did. Of course, she did not know that the rest of the world didn’t see everything that she saw. To her it just was.

By this time, I was becoming aware of my own kinesthetic abilities . I could feel the energies she could see, I knew the colors because I could feel them. I thought that this was just something that happened to all massage therapists. I went back to school for another six months, to take an advanced therapeutic massage techniques and I found out this was not true. Not everyone knew that they had the natural ability to know where the pain was in the body. Actually, most didn’t know of what I was talking about when I explained I could feel the patient’s pain. I knew where to put my hands because I could feel the pain. At times when I was working, it would feel as if someone took my hands and placed them as if I had no control over my own hands. Sometimes my hands would seem to be stuck on a body part and I couldn’t move. I would feel a very emotional wave of sadness that would subside into a feeling of relief. I started asking other massage therapist if they felt this, and I would get a very puzzled look with very little response.

I was discussing this one day with another massage therapist, when she was on my table. I showed her what was going on with me and she told me I was doing energy work. She said I was a natural healer and there was an organization called Healing Touch. She told me they taught modalities that where like what I was intuitively doing. She gave me a flyer about these classes and insisted that I go to them. This marked another major turning point in my life.

I finally felt at home. When I went to my first Healing Touch class March 1997, this was family a kinship of people, a gathering of kinder spirits. I attended as many Healing Touch classes as possible; I don’t know how many times I repeated level one just to be in the energy with other people doing what I was doing. Pandora’s Box was open. Within a month from taking my first Healing Touch class, I attended Rekei I & II. To be quite honest I didn’t feel that much during Reike. At that time, I didn’t understand the concept of someone had to pass an attunement to another person. My own healing energies occurred naturally, so this wasn’t a perception for me. I did understand how the intent of the ritual opened the door for some people that believe another must hand over the power. I believe the receiving of any energy work awakens the connection to the Creator within.

Within a 2-month period, I attended Healing Touch I, Rekei I & II and Healing Touch Level II. In addition, I was doing daily self-healings and meditating for hours. I was an energy junkie. I was listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Ultimate Omm morning and evening.

One day lying in my healing room after finishing the Omm exercise and starting the Marianne Wilmson tape…………, I expanded into an altered state. Suddenly I felt someone grasp a hold of my feet. I opened my eyes no one was physically there. A force across my chest pushed me back down flat onto the table and my feet and chest where being held by invisible beings. My left arm flung out to my side and the right followed. It felt as if my wrist where being tied down. An excruciating pain went through the palms of my hands. It felt like a nail gun shot through my palms and made an opening. From the bottom of my soles, energy began to spin and move up trough my body. Every physical trauma I had never experienced energetically spun out of my body. I felt stitches from childhood wounds, release. I felt vaccinations and shots in my behind buzz out of me like a beehive. I re-experienced the birth my daughter, which was c-section in reverse. When the energy hit my mouth I felt dental work reserve out of my teeth and I could taste metal and Novocain. This was the first time I was aware of my guides working on me without a human facilitator present. For three days, my hands excreted a sweet aroma. To this day I have, no explanation of the event other than it was the initiation into the next chapter of my life. That was only the beginning of many visitations, healings and initiations.


In The Beginning

How did the Sphere Work begin?

For several years, I attended Healing Touch practice group in Nashville TN led by Bonnie Johnson. Bonnie is an accomplished instructor and empowering mentor. As we practiced our Healing Touch techniques, I always off doing something else in the field. Bonnie would sometimes question me “What was that?” my respond usually was just a shroud of the shoulders a gestured of do not ask me I don’t have a clue. I have always marched to a different beat than most, and I just labeled it as my definite nature. Besides all I needed to know was Creator is the healer I am only the facilitator.
Some where along the way, as I was working in the Human energy field and I stumbled across cords, that seemed to come out of the clients charkas. Sometimes these cords would be an entangled mess involving more than one cord and would engage several chakras. Cords are known and discussed in various different modalities. Usually described as the emotional cords form energetic links between you and other people. Although some cords with children and spouses are appropriate, most of the cords we have are unhealthy. If the person you are corded with is at a lower vibrational level, you will give your energy to them, even when you are receiving, because energy flows like water, from higher to lower. There are many rituals and exercises to remove these cords. Many of these techiques are performed by energy cutting and removing the cords. The general belief is once your cords are cut in this process, you are free to reconnect with those who are important to you. As a result, you can establish your relationships on a new level, with new energy, and a new focus.
Nothing new, I assumed. I happily went along, my merely way turning the work over as I always did just being the facilitator for Creator is the healer. Then at some point, I realized the cords had projections of energy attached to them that felt like balloons. What is this? They appeared like balloons you see in cartoon comic strips and contained personal stories. The seeker had to know what this was. I could not find any information in regards to this. Therefore, I started putting my hand in the balloons to access the energy and was guided to return the energy to the charkra it had originated from. This energy separated during trauma and energetically kept the story that it contained alive. I discussed this with several healers no one seemed to understand what I was taking about so I kept searching for answers.
Along my journey, I studied every modality coming and going. My seeker couldn’t get enough information. The part of me that seemed definite to others was the seeker. The seeker who knew everything is the same, on some level we are all working on the same thing; not one modality is better than another it just has a different vibration frequency. A different tone fits into the Harmonic Universal Matrix. Like the colors of threads that weave the big tapestry. I hankered to experience all the colors and hear all the tones.

One day as I was questioning myself; by sharing my findings with a Healing Touch instructor and friend Marty Rather. She made a comment about being the puppet, as long as let yourself be the puppet you will be. Ask questions so you can be a conscious healer. I had never thought about being a conscious healer. It had never matter to me what was going on as I did the work for Creator was the healer. From that moment, I found the meaning of “Ask and you shall receive.” Because I ask I began to notice specific patterns in the work I, tangibly did. Sequences and similaries began to emerge that where different from my studies with other modalities. I could feel energy spheres out in the field that where not in the books or classes I had taken. I could feel axional energy lines coming from these spheres that connected them to each other and out into the vastness of space.

What is this, I had to know the answer to this. Where is the book and who is teaching this workshop? There had to be other monkeys out there that where feeling the same things in the human energy field. What are these patterns? I was like a Multi level marketer, the ones that have passion, and want to discuss their product to anyone within three feet of them. The ones that you want to walk away from. I was having the same experience the people walked away only few could hear me.

I couldn’t find “The Answer”. I found partial answers, pieces that I wove together from seeking other healers and scholars. I would receive information a symbol from Creator that was connected to some culture or religious symbol. Off, I would go again to the next quest. This is it, only to find it was part of the whole. Pieces would fall into my hands from the most unlikely sources. Finally, one day I screamed out “NO MORE. I AM NOT WORKING ON ANOTHER PERSON UNTIL I SEE THE WHOLE THING” Wham!!

I witnessed the Holographic grid of many Energy Systems interconnecting together as a whole, like nothing I had never seen before. Unlike anything, I had read about. Many times throughout the years, I had contact with the components but now I set eyes on the Harmonic Universal Matrix in its entirety. That was Sept 2002; I witnessed the first activation that day. Today is Dec 15th 2006 and I caught a glimpse the rest of the story. A picture that is never complete, just when you think it’s complete another dimension is revealed. Another piece to the puzzle to the Harmonic Universal Matrix Grid reveals its rightful place.

I my mind was in a state of total obsession. I had seen something that I had no language for and did not know how to relate it to others. October of that year 2002 my work consisted mostly of my massage clients. My right wrist unexplainly went out. I could not do the physical demanding work on massage clients. I could only do energy sessions. I could not hold a pen in my hand. Nothing I did was helping with this. Then in meditation, I heard do the Sphere Work on your self.

Therefore, I set up the massage table in the middle on my den and I energetically projected my own energy onto the table. I accessed my own spheres and received information about each sphere’s specific description with size, color, tones and individual function. The hand that could not hold a pencil was drawing and taking notes. This went on for 21 days. I put up those journals and didn’t look at them, my conscious mind did not understand the information. When I would try to read this my ego would go into who are you and why???? What makes you think you know this??? I had to put up the journals until it was time for me to accept who I am. I thought I had to find the books that someone else had written to confirm or deny myself. Which was I really doing? The battle of the minds, now I was “loosing it” as I argued and challenged the voices in my head.

Jan 2003 I was in Orlando Florida at the New Age Retail show, and the Kabala Center out of New York was there. My solar plexus pulled me to their booth. I started crying when I saw the Tree of Life Grid. There it was. The spheres and the paths I had drawn just a few months prior, and had consciously been working with since 1997.They where right there in front of me. I had not found anything new; I was just tangibly feeling, seeing and hearing the Tree of Life grid. I was listening to the spheres and the paths. I was happy now. This is the “Book” I have been looking for; yes, I knew someone had written about this. My search was over. Then I noticed I had documented what seemed to be 15 spheres, which didn’t quit match, the traditional Kabahla Tree grid. Nevertheless, I knew I was on the right track I had confirmation from spirit. The representative from the center name was Ruth, which is my deceased grandmother’s name, and she was originally from Kentucky, bingo. I kept saying to my partner, I had to come to Orlando the home of Disney World to meet a woman from Kentucky who hands me answers. It was one of those surreal moments. I felt like Dorothy when the Wizard told her all she had to do was click her heels and say “There’s no place like home”. She knew the answer to be home was within.

Well at least somebody could hear my story now I would find those who had the answers. I respectively found that most Cabbalists are very dogmatic in their study and just as passionate as I am. I soon as I said,” No there’s 15 spheres” they would no longer hear me and conversation was over. I would hear “Well then it’s not the Tree of Life”. Lip hanging, I would walk away discouraged. Would I never find anyone out there that knew the answer?

Willingly I kept taking an assortment of workshops and reading varied books looking for the answers. This journey had turned my massage therapy work into a more integrative holistic practice. By this time, I was also a clinical hypnotherapist doing past life regression and integrative archetypical sessions, NLP practitioner, Master Crystalogist, Rekei Master, Certified Iridologists, Kwan Yin practitioner, Healing Touch, Jin Shin Do ,Homeopathy and Astrology student. I also crossed paths with a few Shamans and was throwing that into the healing kettle too.

In the meantime I certified as a Thetahealing instructor, and began teaching Vianna Stibal’s Thetahealing. I also was teaching other bodies of work such as Meditation classes, Intuitive Energy Healing and Crystal Journey classes that I designed at some stage in the game. Throughout all I kept doing the “Sphere Work” when I found a willing body and documenting my findings.

Actually, before 2003 there where very few people with whom I could access the grid. As far as that goes, the “I” could not access the grid at all. I could not will it into existence. I could only enter by invitation granted by the Divine of All there is. The grid seemed to have a latch and to cross the threshold I would have to center my self and raise my vibration. I did this by a means of Chelating technique. I think may have originated from Rosalyn Bureyree. Then adapted by Barbara Breenan in her teachings that filtered into the Healing Touch program.

Sometimes this vibrational frequency would automatically begin. I would be doing an energy healing session with a client and I would get a knowing the grid work was to be done. My energy would spontaneously begin to raise it’s vibrational frequency. I would then feel the Helper Guides holding the frequencies so information could be channeled and translated into my awareness. It was only then I could access the grid and only by rights of entry from the helpers. If I tried to access this by my own will, nothing would happen. Sometimes I would ask if it is for the highest good might, I work with the spheres. On occasion, I would be granted access, other times I would hear “This person’s energy is not stable enough and working within the grid would not be for the highest outcome in this moment.” I would then receive instructors on how to work with this person or be guided to which modality would be most useful for this individual’s soul and human instrument at this time. As the clients healed, I healed and the vibration as a whole arose. The grid became easily accessible to me.

Occasionally I would have a new client that I had never seen before that thought they where coming for a massage and behold the grid link would open. I would observe something I had never experience, through this person. I knew their purity of heart and soul contracts brought them to me, at that exact moment. Some occasion that had a predestine timing to be here now. The most enlighten part of the witnessing was the client would not always have a conscious awareness to what had occurred. Some innate inborn essence of knowing, understood where to be and when. That is the essence of Divine Spirit the Divine Will, when you least expect it happens. It was as if the innocence knew where to be with no egoist attachment. It just was. Some of those people I never saw again but will never be separate from them.

In addition, I had a few individuals who showed up on my doorstep demanding the work that they had heard of from others only to find they could not receive the work yet. They came seeking power and it was denied, but not by me. I always thought if someone shows up it must be time, and was I somewhat mistaken. It was time all right, a time for a healing, a time of spiritual growth and understanding that power is not the light, but the light is the power. Always known is the purity of intention and nothing real occurs without Divine timing. All other occurrence is the illusion created from the glamour; the exciting allure, an irresistible alluring quality that somebody or someone possesses by virtue of seeming more exciting, than ordinary people or things. This is attraction of the magical spell. So many Lightworkers entangle themselves within this trap. Beware of the poppy fields that pull you off your own yellow brick road. I have picked a many of poppies along the way.

Much spiritual pain is a creation of glamour seeking. I have witnessed the deep spiritual wounds in humanity, in seekers who willingly gave themselves to others who they believed posed alluring quality. These are God seeking people who hand their personal power to Gurus, Preachers, Evangelist, Teachers, Leaders or whatever name you chose to label them. Then to be so wounded to find these people where only human. The seekers are so hurt by believing this was done to them when it was they who aimed for the glamour. When the penny dulled, it felt worthiness without luster. In all, it is they who saw truth, thru the illusion. Lesson yearned, value the experience of the learning. Accept value and move on. Healing occurs in the moment of acceptance.
One of the main questions I‘m asked is, “Why?” Why is this happening to me or not happening to me? The answer is quite simple because you have not healed. We cannot accept more or receive more on a full plate. Finish what you have, complete the task so you may move on. The universe prefers not to wield in power if it is going to blow the fuse box. You are the controller of the remote. People with finance problems constantly want to know when I will I win the Lottery …... Why???? Now wouldn’t that be a waste of power, if you haven’t managed finical responsibility why would you want more. If you have buried yourself above your head already, why would you want to go deeper into the barrel ???? Look within to see what created the problem to heal the wound, not to the outside by bringing in more. When you look for power from the outer world, you bury your injured party the victim self deeper and it will seek and attract more of the same until it is empowered. Empowerment comes from living from within outward. What we resist persist, attention draws energy, so we empower that which we focus on and we attract that which we fear this is The Law of attraction.

When we attempt to right a wrong, it divides our power because we have placed judgment on it as not being alignment with Spirit. This is seperative thinking , when one believes one way is better than another . When we knowledge the wholeness of the circumstances or person we will uplift and heal. This is the power of inclusive thinking. We cannot return to Divine source as long as we exclude anything. When we drop the belief, that god is not all then god will become all. It is we who up held the belief of separation. This is the creation of and acceptance of Sin, the original sin of when mind separated from spirit and created other consciousness. When we see things that we label as evil we are only seeing one who has moved away from spirit source. When we reverse e - v -i –l, we GET LIVE this is wholeness. When we label something , give it a name we create a conscious power which provides power that enables the existence.
At a spiritual level pain, all illness and accidents are the call of spirit to show where imbalance lies within. It is spirit telling us some aspect of our life is not in harmony with who we are. It could be a window into than aspect of our DNA that we came to heal. The part that is not who we are, but the reflection of the family wound that we carry. When we release core issues, the soul heals and the victim is free. Sickness cannot enter a body that is in harmony. When we are invaded from outside sources such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites this is a cracked window asking to be repaired. The body drawing attention to the imbalance within the immune system. So that it may return to homeostasis, the balance.
When we realize we co-create our reality from the inside out, in the now healing transpires. Our personal metamorphosis comes about from the inside out, not from the outside in. In this internal awareness, we no longer place blame for our misfortune on others or on events occurring in our lives, nor do we wait on blessings to come to pass, for something outside of self to save us. Who you are on the inside (Soul light, God Light) has been has been liberated and is in the process of being set free! The butterfly cannot stay in the cosmic cocoon any longer. It is destined and designed to fly. This is a Gift from the Universe, not a punishment! Focus only on the fullness of your life experiences, not the emptiness. Whatever is for your highest and best good, cannot be taken from you. Only those energies and experiences of a lessor vibration will be dissolved in this new light.
Here we unconditionally embrace our experience, breathe it, integrate it, digest it, and communicate our creative wisdom gained from our integrated experience from a place of inner peace, stillness, and love. This step into the moment of now is our opportunity to take responsibility for our evolutionary development, our spiritual awakening, the retune to Divine Consciousness of spirit-level awareness on Earth.
To invert the externalized mindset of the conflicted belief structures, where we say, "when things change outside of my self then I will change" is to mature into an internal awareness where we take personal responsibility for our spiritual growth and evolutionary experience.
We find that power lies in realization. I am not my mistakes. I can't do this alone or pretend any more. The illusion of comfort in denial or sacrifice is no longer mine. There is no shame in my suffering -- no healing in silent self-torment. It is here at the surreal crossroads of the "soul search" where dawning truth meets the anguish of overwhelming resistance in mind over matter that I can finally wake up, change my mind, let go of what no longer works or own my losses or choices. I am empowered by intense acknowledgment or epiphany and my virtue is gratitude or relief in recognition.

So what is the Sphere Work? And the Harmonic Universal Matrix?

So what is this Energy System?
How is it different from other working systems?
How does it relate to the other systems, to the whole?
What are the Activations? This is the journey of the accession process thereby constructing the Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix Grid on the Earth plane.

Harmonic Universal Matrix It is everything, the complex macrocosmic within the microcosmic, the totality of where chaos becomes form, to become the simplicity of creation. It is the tapestry that interweaves the interlocking of all energetic systems and universe grids. The Infinite Mind.

The Sphere Grid is similar to the Tree of Life grid in the ancient Kabala writings. I did not recognize this in the beginning, when I drew out the diagram of the energy I was working. I never studied the Kabala. I am from Southern KY so to me that sound like something you put on a grill at a fancy picnic, so by knows means am I an expert kabalistic. I still have not studied the Kabala as a whole at the time of this writing in this lifetime. In part of that is due to I not want the information that I am receiving to be clouded with dogma and I haven’t read my own original journals yet. I believe the simaliars will be revealed, as I trust.

What I know

The more I focused to be conscious of the patterns of the energy the more the work-evolved. By now, the energetic cords from long since the beginning had a different name, Life Threads. They attach to balloons out in the human energy field, which now are labeled Orbs. The Orbs contain emotional trauma. The outer spheres in the grid are now termed the Balancers. Later I will go into detailed information about each of the sphere shaped Balancers and their specific function. Each of the Balancers have a light beam that connects them to each other, these beams are the Paths. The Balancers and Paths are the components of the Balancer grid.
The Balancers represent where you are in your journey with creation and the Paths are your next journey. The Balancers and Paths are all maintained by life force energy via the Central Column.

This Central Column called Middle Pillar in the Tree of life grid, the Hara Line or the KA in other studies and is Governing and Conception vessel in the Meridian Energy System. The Central Column channels Life Force energy that connects the “Heaven to the Earth”. This is the portal to the doorway to God the Creator, the Creation, and the Universal Mind. The energy is “The thing that makes us tick”. The information of the “Universal Mind ‘passes through the Central Column within the human instrument to the Hara.

The Hara center is found inside the abdomen below the navel in the human body. The Hara (Japanese) describe this as a sea of generative force and vitality, which gives us the ability to adapt to change. This is the center of gravity or tan t’ien (Chinese). It is the center from which all movement and energy flows, the physical embodiment of the original life center in man, discovering the hara means finding an inner-balance-point and implies feeling more centered mentally as well as physically.

As I was working with a client this information revealed itself; the Hara center houses the Divine Inner Self. It is encased by an energetic crystalline structure that presents itself as sacred geometry symbol, the Star tetrahedron or Merkaba. I term this the Internal Merkaba.

The Central Column is the Main Central Vertical Current energy line at the center of the body.. This is known as the vertical time line. It is by using this passageway or time line that moving beyond time and space is accomplished. We endeavor to develop this alignment energy in the physical body. Aligning your haric level will align you with your life purpose. The information that follows will help you to align Central Column and heal any distortions in it or in the points along it. It will align you with your greater purpose. As you get used to holding the Central alignment, you will be able to stay aligned with your greater life task in any small thing that you are doing in the moment. It is very applicable to your task of healing yourself.

Developing this energy of aligning your Central Column connects, the aligning with your life purpose .

Kundalini is the energy that creates and maintains the physical body and consciousness while in manifestation. Through which the body and consciousness will progressively raise in vibration and expand as physical growth and soul essence integration continues over time. In most contemporary human, only a small portion of the Kundalini , life-force is used, and the Central Column is not the fully expanded Pillar of Light

In the center, layering on top of the Central Column are three Biospheres. Each Biosphere alone represents either past, now and future time, together they are all time. Each Biosphere has an axis in the center. The axis is the hub of the energetic lines which connects to the Universal Web of all information in the Divine Matrix,” Harmonic Universal Matrix”. These are axiantonal lines. This axis can become stuck, information becomes distorted by the Orbs that are lodged out in field that are connected by the Life Threads that come from the Central Column that explored the Paths that connect to the Balancers. Biospheres house Flowers of Life within.

Axiatonal lines are vibratory lines which connects levels of human electrochemical activity with astrological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with the resonating star systems. The Axiatonal lines connect the meridian mapping of the human biological system with advanced astrological analogs. Theses axitonal lines are not limited to the physical body or biological creation, but are open-ended. They are connected with a whole series of universal waveforms, which includes sonic and ultrasonic frequencies. The universal waveforms establish the vibrations which set the pattern for the formation of life.

The Flower of Life is a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly spaced, overlapping circles that lay so that they form a flower-like pattern with a six-fold symmetry like a hexagon. In other words, the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter. All life, whether a single cell or a galaxy, can be traced back to a single archetypal geometry known throughout the world as the Flower of Life. Within this ancient geometric pattern exists a core geometry, the Seed of Life, composed of seven intersecting circles. It is also known as the Genesis pattern referring to the seven days of Creation in the Book of Genesis. Visual sight of this pattern stimulates the geometries in the pineal gland which hold ancient memories of our purpose, and origins. The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest to date example. It is carved in granite and may possibly represent the Eye of Ra a symbol of the authority of the pharaoh.

Underneath this layer is the Charka energy system. These systems Holographic layer on top of each other, connect to each other and work together. Sounds like a Dr, Seuss book. This is the easy part.

Out beyond the grid to the spheres lays another grid it is the shape of the Star of David, the alchemy star, or what I label in this work as the External Merkaba. This is like the casing of the Sausage. Swirling within are the layers of the Auric Field and then is the Balancer Grid with its Paths like the Tree of Life grid which is layer above the charkra system.
This External Merkaba as I term it, also spelled Merkabah, has been label by many as the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.
Modern esoteric teachings, teaches that the MerKaBa is an interdimensional vehicle consisting of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedron of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. This point symmetric form is called a stella octangula or stellated octahedron, which can also be obtained by extending the faces of a regular octahedron until they intersect again.
In his books, researcher and physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek describes this figure as a "Star Tetrahedron", since it can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. By imagining two superimposed "Star Tetrahedrons" as counter rotating, along with specific "prana" breathing techniques, certain eye movements and mudras, it is taught that one can activate a non-visible 'saucer' shaped energy field around the human body that is anchored at the base of the spine.
Depending on the height of the person doing the exercise, this field is about 55 feet across. Once activated, this 'saucer' shaped field is capable of carrying ones consciousness directly to higher dimensions.
The word Merkaba or Merkava in Hebrew 'Chariot'or general meaning is "to ride an animal, in a chariot" - is used in the Bible (Ezekiel 1:4-26) to refer to the throne-chariot of God, the four-wheeled vehicle driven by four Cherubim, each of which has four wings and four faces (of a man, lion, ox, and eagle). Four means 'time' in alchemy.

The Internal Merkaba
The Internal Merkaba located at the Hara center, the center is appoximatley, 2 inches below the navel of the physical body. Is the house of the template of the Divine Inner Self. This structure is the house of six main archetypes that we all have in common. These archetypes are Child, Female, Male, Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. It is seated at the tan t’tein within the Hara Center.

This structure is the house of archetypical patterns we carry or take on for the family and humanity. The weakness and strengths of the male and female DNA that we contracted to recognize and heal in this lifehood.
Each triangle house the aspect of the victim, persecutor and rescuer.

The triangle pointing upward represents the male house and contains the predisposition archetypical pattern from the male DNA. The polarity is an ionic positive charge.


INNER CHILD Divine Child core essence


The triangle pointing downward represents the female house and contains the predisposition archetypical pattern from the female DNA. The polarity is an ionic negative charge.

The Higher Self Merkaba is the house of the template of the Higher Self. Our collective archetypical gifts live here. These differ between individuals. They are pieces of self that we came with that are complete and the parts that seek to be whole and utilized. This is the map for the journey of this lifetime, and healing of infinity for the Soul. It contains memory of the Original Blueprint. Energetically this sits in the human field out past the External Merkaba is positioned about 3ft above the head. After activations of retunement occur it moves down from the Monad into the human field . The information it contains begins to be more accessible.

Archetype Encarta Dictionary Image from collective unconscious psychology in Jungian psychology, an inherited memory represented in the mind by a universal symbol and observed in dreams and myths a typical, ideal, or classic example of something; Original model something that served as the model or pattern for other things of the same type ; recurring image arts an image or symbol that is used repeatedly in art or literature
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: An archetype is a generic, idealized model of a person, object or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned or emulated. In psychology, an archetype is a model of a person, personality or behavior.
In a strict linguistic sense, however, an archetype is merely a defining example of a personality type. The accepted use of archetype is to refer to a generic version of a personality type. In this sense, "mother figure" can be considered an archetype and instances can be found in various female characters with distinct (non-generic) personalities. Archetypes have been present in mythology and literature for hundreds of years. Carl Jung advanced the use of archetypes to analyze personality early in the 20th century. The value in using archetypal characters in fiction derives from the fact that large groups of people are able to unconsciously recognize the archetype, and thus the motivations, behind the character's behavior.
Jungian archetypes. The use of psychological archetypes was advanced by Carl Jung, c. 1919, and generally adopted in the social sciences. In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype are a complex, e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype. Jung treated the archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological givens that arose through evolution. [3]
I am not a student of Jungian work and in no way do I mean to compare myself to this great scholar. I do know I have a great respect for and understanding beyond my own conscious mind and studies. The following information is interpretation into language of energetic patterns. It has been brought to my attention some terms may have been coined by others with varying descriptions. The following descriptions are complied from impressions I received when working with clients.

Inner self: Divine child- core essence
Higher self

Bringing wholeness
As I returned and cleared my own Orbs, this brought forth an energy that set the motion for more energy to be accessible. From this point a series of Activations began to reveal and establish patterns. This started a chain reaction that drew people to me that where consciously working to achieve higher awareness. From this, the work developed rapidly.
November 2003, the work changed as I was facilitating a session, and I recognized additional symbols and grids. Suddenly I was observing a sequence of activations with these individuals.
The activations, which I believe are awakenings the retuning to the pristine energy that is available. This retuning allows us to remember how to work with the Universal Laws. This is the journey of the accession process thereby restoring the Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix Grid on the Earth plane.

This series of Activations, Attunements, or Awakenings seem to be the initiation of the light body to the ascension process that is spoken of from early Esoteric teachings. So far, I have witnessed five, I believe there are seven and my perception could change tomorrow. Today I understand this was the initial link up to the Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix.

Clearing Orbs-

Orbs contain the soul fragments of traumas that hold us in a pattern; this diffusion of light distorts the perception of the soul. When the orb is returns to the charka it is associate with, the charka absorbs the orb heals the trauma and the undeveloped light becomes light. Our perception becomes clear, and clarity then restored.

Orbs encapsulate the trauma, the life threads hold it in place until we release. The release occurs when the chakra absorbs the distorted energy and the trauma returns to the light and radiance occurs.

The Orbs hold the vibration of the trauma; the distorted belief is encapsulated by emotion. Like a signal, this continues to attract the same frequency to it. We carry these wounds with us through all time until they heal. Traumas are carried by the Soul; from history, mass conciseness, and DNA beliefs. It is the Soul’s journey to heal the attachment to the story by releasing, transmuting and transforming the emotional. Hence, this occurs by forgiveness and acceptance, which is release of the attachment. This reabsorbing collapses the Gestalt. Gestalt is a group of programs thoughts and experiences consider as a whole and regarded as amounting to more than the sum of its parts. This clears a group of programs that are all related and that occur from the initial emotional wound. The chakras absorb emotion trauma and the soul fragments return to the whole.

As this amends and your energy frees you will have more capacity to carry light. This enables us to wake up from the illusion and release from the corrupt matrices. In turn the lighten body for the accession process cultivates and refines. This is the Retunement to the authentic self. The system is now ready to begin the Activation process of Retunement.

I believe all of this information is encoded within your cellular memory and has been waiting to awaken. Many of you have done parts of this with the light work you have already received. Some people can receive all of the Retunements at once, for others more mending is required before the attunement can occur. The mending that occurs from the returning of the Orbs allows the energy system to stabilize and hold on to the higher vibration maintenance free.

The Activations of Retunement

The Retunements are the process of attunement to Self creator the actualization to bring in the authentic self

The Activations where received in this order; first the Mother Matrix, The Eye of Horus, Golden Kundalini, Sacred Heart and the Solar Heart.

Mother Matrix this is the Divine Feminine Matrix, the pristine energy of the feminine aspect of creation. The first time I witnessed this, I ask, “What is this?” and I was told, “It is as if Buddha and Jesus wed so that Mary will be born”. The conception and implantation of the Divine Feminine the return to the nurturer.

In this work, the three Biospheres’ are spun after the Balance grid and Central Column come into alignment. When they synchronize into the zone of All Time then a small Merkaba raises out of the Hara just below the navel. This is the Inner Merkaba, which encases the Divine Inner Self core essence. The filaments of the Inner Merkaba structure are then repaired and energized. A new energetic umbilical cord is wove, and connected to the divine Mother Matrix. After this connection is in place another Merkaba structure drops down from the Divine Creator, this structure encases the Higher Self. The two Merkaba structures come into alignment with each other. This is the alignment of the inner self with then higher self. Which aligns your soul purpose with your earth purpose and integrates with the divine spiritual purpose. When the Inner self and Higher self unite, the energy of manifestation can occur. Manifestation energy can only be produced and conducted when the inner self and higher self come together unified. (.the polarity current is inner self has negative pole and higher self has a positive pole.

The second activation is the Eye of Horus. I see and feel a big eye in the back of the head. I was told this structure was accepted by humanity with the thought it would retain knowledge. Now it is holds people to the past, keeping them a state of waiting for the past to come back. This structure is removed and three light beams come in from Creator, they are clear, neon colors. A triangle is formed and the beams connect in the back of the Heart charka. This enables the receiver to have a clear path to Divine will. Aligning with Divine Will can open your vision, deepen your intuition, release limitations, liberate your spirit from the bonds of matter, and enable you to create your highest future. As you beckon Divine Will to you, you become more conscious of your higher path and of those activities that fulfill your soul's purposes for being on earth. As you retune Divine Will to you, you become more conscious of the plan of humanity, your soul and its higher purpose, the Masters and Enlightened Ones, and the larger whole of which you are a part .It sets the energy up for the transition of going from working with Masters to being the Divine working Master. Thy will, will be done on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

The third is the Golden Kundalini Awakening. I witness three spirals on top of the head, which represent the Trinity Aspects of the Soul Self , Spirit Self and Human Self. A clearing and alignment is facilitated by spinning the spirals. Then the spirals expand and appear as a hooded cobra. This energy connects to the Galactic Center, braids and ascends down the Central Column through the transpersonal charka to the root chakra. The energy is golden, not red. This is the alignment and awakening of the transition into the dimensional Tree of Life Grid.
Crown chakra is located at the top of the head at the crown. The Soul braids into the physical body through the Crown Chakra. This Chakra if open and clear connects to the Gateway or Ascension Chakras: the Golden Crown, the Causal Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra, and also the Stellar Gateway, a vortexing tunnel which transmits energy and information from Cosmic Intelligences and the Divine Source. The Crown Chakra is the seat of enlightenment and vibrates to the Coherent Light color rays of violet, gold, or pure white. It is ruled by the element of Pure Spirit. The Old Age Archetype of this Chakra depicted it as closed to most of humanity. Only those few, the Great Teachers, the Messiah, or the Buddha were capable of Enlightenment. The New Light and New Time Archetype of this Chakra represents the energy of initiation, which is available to all who choose to respond to the vibration of the New Light and the frequency of the New Time. No longer an exclusive Gateway, the Crown Chakra transmits energy of enlightenment throughout the Collective Consciousness. Thus enlightenment is the culmination of a process of initiation that may be completed by only a few, but will be available to all. The fields of influence that are assisting in the transmutation of the Crown Chakra for Earth and all of Her Life forms from 1999-2011 are the Planetary Portals.

The fourth is the Sacred Heart a cross is formed on the initiate, and two golden ratio spirals are placed in, as the shape of a heart. Then Gaia slays the person in the spirit. This activation brings in the three Mothers, The Trinity Mothers of the Tree of Life. This releases the heart of bondage with the death of an archetype that no longer serves the lower self. Your higher self instills pure purpose. This is the doorway to awakening to the Solar Heart for intention, which I believe to be the fifth activation. This process is the beginning of the collapsing of the Soul Monad, which empowers you to ascend to a Solar Monadic System.

Matrix unveiled

Just when you think, you have seen it all; you get humbled and receive more. June 2004 I began to witness the Matrixes of the divine and not so divine.

As I was facilitating a distance reading /healing over the phone, I began to witness something different and I heard it is time for you to see the Matrix. I knew my work had evolved passed anything I originally had been taught. I was working beyond, in the parallel existences of the whole Soul Monad. Now behold, I had stumbled into the Matrix Grid of the Archetypical patterns that hold the programs, the beliefs that capture humanity. The knowledge was unveiled to me with specific instructions on how to disengage the Corrupted Matrices. This frees the Soul Monad from the illusion so that it may once again retune to the Divine Harmonic Matrix Grid.

What are the Matrices?

Divine Universal Harmonic Matrix

In 1944, scientists announced the discovery of a matrix of pure energy—The Divine Matrix—that holds the blueprint for everything from the birth of stars and the DNA of life to the miracle of healing. To tap this matrix, we must understand how it works and speak the language that it recognizes. New discoveries that reveal why we are no longer limited by the “laws” of science, as we know them today by shattering, the paradigm. Why disease, aging, and even Reality itself is based upon a simple code that can be changed and upgraded by choice!

Corrupt Matrix

In its rawest form, it is thought form .A template of group conscious energy in thought form that may have had a significant purpose but now is trapped distorted energy, a corrupt file. Basically, they are polluted light fields. That corrupted during the disillusion and trauma of separation from God. The separation to God is the separation from the Divine mind .This the separation of Mind form the Divine mind into constructs of mind. Typically occurs when control of power forces over something out of its usual or natural form. This in reality is created by a fear-based action. Polluted light fields that are different from natural spectrum will pass away with the coming of the new photo biological system

A Corrupt Matrix has more holding power than just a belief. The energy is a reflection of negative thought or limiting thought that designed from fear. Fear may have other faces and names but bottom line it is fear, which is lack of love. The distorted matrices have mirror images to the divine. After the contaminated matrixes are disengaged, the Divine Matrix is free to plug in. An example of these would to going from Emotional Love to Divine Love, Powerless to Divine Power. These are main Matrices. I have witnessed several sub matrices attached to a main Matrix.

Why does the Matrix have more power? It is in the design. The intention of the original design was created so that humanity could communicate as a whole with the possibilities of telepathic communication through form so when a file corrupted it ran like virus through out the minds of soul groups and families. This energy is not new it has called a miasma in Homeopathy and plagues in history.

Sin the consciousness of limitation because of the failure of spiritual- biological experiments. Anything that prevents living light of the infinite mind from being creatively recycled through the body vehicle the consciousness of having talent and not using it for the benefit of mankind and Humanities evolution.

Inner Awakening Matrix

What is the inner awakening matrix?
Where does it come from?
How did we get bound?
How do we release it?
What happens after the release?

Inner Awakening Matrix™
August 21, 2007 I was downloaded from Creator a technique that is new to me. Sunday August 19.2007 I received a message that a new energy concept would come to my awareness the name given was Inner Awakening Matrix(I AM).August 21,2007 I was working with a friend ,client, colleague sharing information that I brought back from my 8 day trip to Idaho Falls teaching assisting at Vianna Stibal’s Thetahealing teachers Certification. Vianna shared with us her new technique in releasing sorrow from the heart with tone. I went into Theta to facilitate the client by supporting her with the technique of releasing sorrow. By the grace of Creator, we where gifted and downloaded together with information that evolved into a healing sequence. The following days the technique unfolded.

For several years I have been receiving information from Creator of a higher vibrational energy system that we as humans will be evolving into that carries more light capacity. Others have received this same information that we will emerge into a unified chakra system.
I front of my eyes this system revealed itself. The information was recieved in light and tone and translated itself into a descriptive language as I shared the information and witnessed activation of the new grid within others.
This is the channeled information that was revealed and witnessed. Through Creator I guided Carolyn into her inner being as a light. We where given the instructions for her to permit herself to go to the organs of where she held wounds of humanity. This is what I witnessed: I saw a black net wrapped around her intestines. I guided her to go into the intestine to tone to release this webbing. Instead of tone we both witnessed a light explode outward like fireworks then we heard a tone, this proceeded up her entire system. We realized after we got to the throat that this energy release technique flowed up through the chakra system. Precisely flowing into and releasing specific organs related to the according chakra. When we reached the throat there where multiple chambers within the throat. We where given language that represented each chamber. We had to release the throat before we could release through heart. Once in the heart we encounter 4 chambers within the heart. After we finished with the Carolyn we where going to facilitate the same with me. We commanded the work take place and instead we witnessed another grid reveal.
As I began to center within my heart, I witnessed what I call the Core Star. I see the Core Star as a diamond shaped faceted crystal that spins between heart and throat at the chest area. The Core Star to me is the pure energy of your soul essence. (I have been working with this for years and have other techniques using the Core Star) From my Core Star a light beam descended into the earth this light beam was labeled the Thread of Conscious. The thread of conscious connected to another star below my feet the Earth Star. As this activated I witnessed an infinity symbol looping in horizontal fashion below my feet. After that fully ignited a light ascended to my knees and another infinity symbol activated at my knees after this stabilized the light ascended to my hips, a third infinity symbol activated at my hips. The center point of the hip infinity symbol‘s energy intersected the location of where the root chakra is located. The light energy went up my middle column reconnecting to the Core Star at the chest. Then an infinity symbol activated at the location of what was the heart chakra. This energy looped up to the area known as the throat charka and when to the crown chakra area. These infinity symbols interlooped like a chain. From that point after the energy stabilized a third Star activated above my head this was labeled the Solar Star. In this moment Carolyn and I where confused, but ecstatic. Where are no words to explain the awareness that came with this connection. Carolyn became drowsy and needed to lie down. I wanted to go on through my own organs and release the black webbings that I had witnessed within Carolyn from my own self. I proceeded to my healing table. I was downloaded with more information.

That evening my regular meditation class was meeting in my office. I explained to my class what had happened during the day and that I was still processing. I was being guided to turn this over to Creator during mediation for the allowance of receiving more information. In this supportive group energy specific directions where given and recorded via the group process. Subsequently more information was received the following days.
The next night I awoke with the message of “This is the awakening retunment of the unified chakra field and activation retunement of the light body’’. Well either one of the concepts is actually new to the “New Age” seekers and initiates. Many people are familiar with these terms and I know these activations have already occurred with other vibrational techniques. In the past then the unified chakra field forms, meaning all chakras are blended together in an oval surrounding the body, resulting in emotions experienced throughout the whole body. The recipient could feel the inclination to withdraw from human life. Since all human emotional desires cease to control the being, it is uncomfortable to engage in human “games”. Consequently, the person can come across as being aloof. By releasing the Inner Locked Magnetic Matrices with the Inner Awakening Matrix Technique the shift is demised and easier transition occurs freeing the recipient from entrapment of the collective consciousness demands. The recipient gains clarity of perception of the Divine Intention.
The following morning I called another long time friend and colleague, Janet to share with her this technique. We proceeded to activate the grid within Janet’s inner being field. This is actually when the understanding of the activation of the Lightbody formed into language with this process. During Janet’s activation I witnessed the Lightbody Activate. As the inner locked magnetic matrices released from her organs, beams of lights connected to the next point creating a grid which looked like constellations. Within the constellations sacred geometry symbols arose. We where told the sacred geometry symbols would be assemblemed differently amongst humanity in different sesquencees. This has to do with energies each lightbody is desinated to carry.
All beings have a Lightbody, which is an extension of energy or light connecting to Source. Here is the interconnection to your physical body it’s a multi-dimensional body of light that has space/time implications, linking you to all dimensions and all Universal memory.

Following information is a summarization of collective assessment of the information process downloaded from the Creator of All there is.

What are these Inner Locked Mactices? Where and when were they formed and what was their purpose?
They represent the wounds of humanity. The original chakra system acts as vortex energy. Emotional energy is funneled and absorbed into the human instrument. The emotional energies are flooded through the pathways that link your anatomical systems and organs and glands to specific chakras and levels of your energy body. Often we store stagnated unresolved energy in these energy pathways and this creates the blocks for healing vibrations to flow into our physical cells and to the weaker anatomical systems of our physical body. The acceleration of healing for our physical body’s systems are focused on as damaged occurred from a stagnated system is released. The wounds HUMANITY COLLECTED INTO SPECFIC ORGANS REPRESNTED BY EACH CHAKRA.
The original chakra system is separated in its function from front to back. The front of the chakras functions as emotional energy and the back self will. Where is a filter like between the front and back of the chakras .This sometimes clogs up creating dysfunction within the energy body. This blockage created the magnetic pull which created the holding pattern of the wounds of humanity to be stored within the indidvual‘s energy system. This keeps us locked into old Archetypical paradigms .All blockages are released. Instead of being conical, the chakras start to become spherical and overlap each other’s fields. This configuration permits information from his or her lightbodies (fields of energy which surround the physical body) to come through more easily, including communication with the Higher Self.
The Inner Matrix Awakening activates the unified chakra field, a system of multidimensional refractive points. This illuminates the original divine blueprint, accessing Gateway Chakras. These additional chakras have always been a part of us as our pure potential. This Galactic activation brings in the Christ consciousness. It connects and unifies all the energies of the lightbody with the physical body, providing us with a deeper connection to our spiritual essence.
The unified chakra awakening is a powerful process that will assist you to: Increase your spiritual awareness. Bring about a peaceful state of mind. Address apathy and low energy. Awaken your soul and nervous system .Increases the amount of light in your body. It supports your metamorphosis at every level. The unified chakra awakening creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field.
It helps screen out other people's perceptions of reality. Most of you walk around in other peoples' energies because you light bodies are separated and stagnated with the inner locked matrices. The key objective for Lightworkers, is to get in your bodies and understand that your energy is a unified system of oneness and wholeness.
The collected wounds of the collective consciousness created magnetized webbing that appears like nets around the specified organs. The Inner Awakening Matrix uses light to release the grids holding the wounds of humanity which create dysfunction within our being. Tone is then used to set up a sonic wave which will rebound any absorbed energies back into light. The Inner Awakening brings focus deeply on the energy clearing between specific anatomical systems of your physical body and the other levels of your energy body. This opens our cells to more of our Divine Presence which will transcend the wounds of humanity into wholeness.
The opportunity of supportive energy that unbolted on Earth during time of the lunar eclipse on August 28, 2007 and the following partial solar eclipse on September 11, 2007 was a very significant gateway for humanity. This gateway allowed awareness during the preceding week many where downloaded with understandings of the Earth Infinity Grids that are available to access Now. Divine timing, has created a huge shift in the construction of the mass consciousness of humanity which will also create a great fulfillment in your being.
During this eclipse gateway the opportunity of information to retune and align the entire being was transmitted. You will be able to retune and align your body, your spirit, your soul, and your evolutionary conscious. This is a grand ILLUMIOUS time.
Retuning your ESSENCE is very much like rebooting your computer. When you upload a new computer program you have to turn off your computer and start up again so that the new program will work appropriately. That accurately emphasizes what's going to transpire with you in this gateway. Once rebooted, the old programs systems and expressions will no longer work suitably. So if you're finding that certain areas of your life are not flowing or manifesting in the way they should, maybe this is the universe saying that it is an old outdated program, and it is time to delete it from your consciousness.
From the June 21, 2007 solstice, to the Perseid meteor showers culminating on August 12, 2007, you received, whether you were aware of it or not, new programs in your consciousness. Now it is time to put them to work. If you are feeling the building pressure in your chest, almost to the point where you feel like you can't breathe, then you are already feeling this reboot.
This energy will allow you to let go of the old world. Let go of your past, your wounds, your betrayals, your insecurities, and even your beliefs that you are somehow not a brilliant masterful being. You will expand to the awareness of it is time to release Saviorship and be the complete being of light that reflects the energy of I hold the place for your light, how may I reflect this to you.
The activation of the Earth Infinity Grid brings synthesis of unanimity via the thread of conscious by interconnecting the Earth Star, the Core Star, the Soul Star and the Solar Star.
Your Earth Star is your individual connection with the energies of a harmonious relationship with the planet and anchors the body into the time and space coordinates of the planet. The Earth Star point connects us to the Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields. The Earth Star point forms prior to birth in the geographic location and familial circumstances required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s journey and the key to this life’s infinite paths. It contains the memory of the One Path that is the Soul’s Highest Intent for this lifetime. The New Light of this energy center represents the concept that this lifehood is the completion of the current Planetary Cycle of karma, its limitations, and its anguish. After this activation, this lifehood of physical incarnation will begin to remember mastery, experience expanded awareness, and prepare with all life forms in the Universe for an evolutionary shift closer toward the Divine Essence. Recognition of the varied other Consciousness within the Universe at large and in the various other dimensions of time and space and our connection to them is highlighted. Earth incarnation is not experienced as restrictive but as the time for expansion and transformation that will result in a heaven on Earth, a new cycle of existence, or the Golden Age of the human species. The Earth Star point color vibration is dark silver or black. The field of influence is the recognition of assisting the true purpose of the greater plan of the greater aspect of the individual’s earth purpose.
The Thread of Conscious ascends up the body and activates the knee infinity symbol. This yields the energy of the ability to dissolve the emotional attachment to past and stand in the empowerment of the knowledge and wisdom gained with the ability to move forward on the path of awareness.
The Thread of Conscious then moves to the activation point of the infinity symbol located at the hips. This is the knowing understanding of the Divine perception of survival, the absolute of beingness. It connects you to the Almighty Infinite essence of this. This energy concept is uploaded into every cell of your body from this assimilation point that intersects with the energy position of the root chakra. Traveling up your middle column after releasing the Inner locked magnetic Matrices as you travel up your organ systems you will carry the power to activate into the Lightbody of the original Divine Blue print.
The Core Star unifies with the Heart. Core Star is the core of divine truth of your indivdual essence, within lies purity and pristine energy of who you are. At this point the Heart transforms into an infinity symbol that interconnects the throat to the pineal, activating the master cell to the crown. This will ignite the activation of the Solar Star.
Crown chakra is located at the top of the head at the crown. The Soul braids into the physical body through the Crown Chakra. This Chakra if open and clear connects to the Gateway or Ascension Chakras: the Golden Crown, the Causal Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra, and also the Stellar Gateway, a vortexing tunnel which transmits energy and information from Cosmic Intelligences and the Divine Source. The Crown Chakra is the seat of enlightenment and vibrates to the Coherent Light color rays of violet, gold, or pure white. It is ruled by the element of Pure Spirit. The Old Age Archetype of this Chakra depicted it as closed to most of humanity. Only those few, the Great Teachers, the Messiah, or the Buddha were capable of Enlightenment. The New Light and New Time Archetype of this Chakra represents the energy of initiation, which is available to all who choose to respond to the vibration of the New Light and the frequency of the New Time. No longer an exclusive Gateway, the Crown Chakra transmits energy of enlightenment throughout the Collective Consciousness. Thus enlightenment is the culmination of a process of initiation that may be completed by only a few, but will be available to all. The fields of influence that are assisting in the transmutation of the Crown Chakra for Earth and all of Her Life forms from 1999-2011 are the Planetary Portals.
Gateway chakras are not new. They have always existed within the Chakra system, but the information that is transmitted through them is usually deposited in the unconscious. As the New Light vibration and the New Time frequency begins to filter into the Mass Consciousness these Chakras will transmit information in a more coherent and conscious process for all who embrace the New Light and the New Time and begin the Ascension Process. The first rarified Chakra is called “The Golden Crown.” This Chakra is just above the Crown Chakra center and contains the Akashic Records of the Soul’s incarnations. Once cleared and flowing, the memory of the Soul can be accessed through the Golden Crown Chakra. Above the Golden Crown is the “Causal Chakra.” This important Vortex lies at the outer edge of the aura and in companionship with the Assemblage Point and the Heart Chakra regulates the flow of energy from the Soul Star Chakra to the body. In practice, it regulates Soulbraiding and enables the physical body to attune to the increased energy of Soul Consciousness and to the Higher Density Light existence that results from the Soulbraiding. Contained within it is the Higher Self, a more pure expression of the Soul’s energy, which communicates directly from the Soul a deep knowledge of right action in every situation. The Higher Self is often the first part of the Soul’s expression that begins communication through dreams or through expanded elements of intuition. Above the Causal Chakra is the Soul Star Chakra. Its name is self-explanatory for it is through this Chakra the Soul braids into the physical body at the time of incarnation, and it is through this Chakra the Soul leaves the physical body at death. It is also through this Chakra additional Soulbraiding occurs which results in the increased vibration and frequency of the cells and atoms of the body. Access to the Soul Star Chakra increases direct contact with the Soul and the communication of the Soul’s Intent is enhanced. Above the Soul Chakra is the Stellar Gateway, which is often depicted as a tunnel of Pure Light or a Portal that connects the Soul to the Divine Source. Activation and clearing of this Chakra opens a Cosmic doorway to all of the Light Densities and enhances communication with Enlightened Beings that exist in the Densities of Light beyond the physical worlds. The fields of influence that are facilitating Conscious access of the Ascension Chakras and the transmutation for Earth and Her Life forms from 1999-2012 are the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Zero Point Field in Quantum physics.

The Solar Star is the connection to the remembrance of the Cosmic connection of the greater plan of the greater aspect.
In the completion of the amalgamation of the Earth Star, Core Star, Soul Star and the Solar Star you will have completely crossed the bridge and have begun acclimatizing to the new frequencies. It is a much higher altitude/frequency than you are used to. It will take some adjusting. This is what you might call the shift to the ages. You have pushed the evolution envelope by your strong will, tenacity and strong intense spiritual focus. You know your enlighten self and won’t hear yourself thinking that you are less than a lighted master. You are the first human beings in a dualistic 3-D reality that has been able to push the envelope, be open to the fact that what lies ahead of you in the very near future is wildly astonishing, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious, and a place you remember deep inside as home. Why will it be this way you ask? Because you not only wanted this new reality, and believed it was possible, and now beginning to act as if this amazing new future is already here. When you do act as if, you quit being an initiate, and step into the role of the living master.

Wounds of humanity Compassion
How and when where the wounds created? When I ask this question the first time I received just keep writing stay focused and the answer will come. Two mornings later I awoken about 5 am and it was revealed to me. I was questioning life and an issue of my own. I was going through my organs releasing the webbing of the Inner Locked Matrices I thought why did I take this on, how did I do this and I heard.”Out of your own stubbornness, from the first time you didn’t forgive yourself”.
I had an inner vision and I saw the web being knitted every time I felt the same emotion and didn’t release through forgiveness it made another loop in the net.
The wounds of humanity, the regrets of sorrow we carry are actually created when we edge out god-self from embracing and forgiving ourselves. The damage occurred when first act of non forgiveness came about. The subject of self forgiveness was relinquished and left out of life's equation. Every act of forgiveness is actually a part of relationship to self. We seldom give our permission to have less than perfect outcomes in our lives. Being less than perfect is part of the false impression for the course of our human experiences and lessons. We learn our life lesson's through trial and error. If we continue to judge ourselves constantly, we will overlook the path of self forgiveness and the reward of authenticity through joy.
This ache of sorrow can linger for years. Then it becomes a pattern that reflects in all situations. We feel we could have done better or we should’ve. We judge ourselves for things as small as not remembering. We make excuses by lying to someone we love causing hurt and pain, because we didn’t believe our truth was good enough. We don't allow ourselves to be humanly compassionate to ourselves. We plague ourselves with the thoughts of why,why,why and believe that we have to hold on so we won’t create the same err again. This creates the initial vibration which continues to build frequency every time we feel the same emotion we collect and hold on, our organs become a courdan and we lock it in with the web. Maybe that’s what the phrase “Oh the webs we weave’, is interfering to?
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake. Accepting the actions of yourself or others which you felt were harmful or negative based on your personal perception.

We are our own worst enemy in our own victim hood. We may believe that holding and harboring grudges does harms way to another person. We are in fact damaging self by covering up a fear under our own anger. Anger is not the final emotional destination we have when we are upset with some one. Underneath any anger are additional fears that we bury and play hide and seek with grasping to understand ourselves. True healing of our relationship to others can be accomplished this way trough forgiveness and understanding this was created from our own fear. Course of miracles teaches where are only two feelings Love and Fear and Fear is lack of love. What is so hideous within the self that we must conceal? It is the untruth we carry, the belief that we are separate and inherited flaws.
Self forgiveness is so very essential to releasing humanity from its trespasses.

Tremendous energy is expended to suppress the feelings we have about our own short comings. If we forgive whatever we judge as inferior within ourselves, this can set free the many ties that bind us from experiencing happiness. Wounds not forgiven are carried by the soul into the next life hood. Forgiveness is the opportunity to heal future, release the past and experience of true joy of living in the moment fully present in our truth. The truth will set you free

Our authentic truth, not the made up pretend truth, the perceived truth of what we think others want us to say, nor the protective truth that we speak because we think it is the their truth. We are only holding back our truth to protect ourselves from giving our power away. This is an illusion self postulated. No one can take our power we give it away in the moment we give our energy to some external force, a belief. We deny our truth and take on the energy of another. Renounce self, disempower our being, our knowing of inner truth, this yields victim hood. No one can perpetuate victim hood but self. Maybe we gave our power away to be liked or accepted or because we feared the true power of self knowledge. Somewhere, some how we believed we should endure such grief. Maybe we come to this lifehood with the belief that we where separate in some way. Maybe it’s not pain but growth of self realization. Resolving the polarity is the key of healing.
This polarity can hold us back from spiritual and personal growth. What keeps us going back and forth? What drives our inner struggle?
Sometimes we feel alone or that we're the only one with a particular issue. This is a false reality or illusion. We have all come from the same source. As humans we are all interconnected within the same field of energy. Each of us has similar core issues too. They are buried beneath the surface. This information is accessed by the subconscious mind knows this and can create fears.
Everyone shares the following core issues:
Number One:Core Fear we are separated from GodWe are born we are no longer are a part of the "one" or "unity" we came from. It's a shock to become a being separated into two parts. This causes a polarity struggle we will fight our whole life. We will want to be reunited with our oneness our whole lives. Since we cannot consciously go back without attaining enlightenment it then leads into the next core issue.
Number Two: Core belief we are inherently flawedNow that we are living in polarity which is flawed, feel that there must be something wrong with us. How many times in life to we doubt ourselves? Those types of thoughts come from this Core Belief. When we operate from a belief that we are "inherently flawed", a tremendous amount of secondary fears arise. Such as: fear of confrontation; fear of taking a chance; fear of making a decision; fear of relationships and many others. If we think we are not good enough then it can be very hard to believe in ourselves and open to healthy experiences.
As an individual we have unique experiences that cause the accumulation of other secondary fears, beliefs, and perceptions of life. Our unique experiences create a world specific to us which can be negative or positive (fear or faith). Of course our daily lives are full of both types of moments.
We must have greater faith in ourselves and compassion for others to release the fears that take so much energy from our lives. It can be easier to walk the path on our journey if we understand everyone shares the same core issues. We can stand in allowance of self and merge into compassion for humanity.
We actually store these wounds within our organs which act as an energy reservoir which hold on to the emotional energy. A blockage occurs when a pattern is established by a collection of events we froze and locked in. We didn’t use our energy to transmute; there was an inference in the pattern of the sequencing of energy. A block is created in the neuro receptors and physical and chemical imbalance occurs within the human instrument. This sets up an intrinsic pathway. A known path found in body part. Occurring wholly within or belonging wholly to a part of the body such as an organ. Belonging to something as one of the basic and essential features that make it what it is an intrinsic part of the plan by or in itself, rather than because of its associations or consequences has no intrinsic value.
So how do we release the path of no intrinsic value? One way to do this is, disengage the energy with another frequency, a different vibration. The vibration of Light and seal it with sound by toning. Sound this hidden power is limitless, and holds an amazing ability to heal and transform. Toning and Sound: Toning is a technology and Light language for the multi-dimensional transmission of Light, color, codes, and geometries. Toning is a process of using these vibrations with the purpose to create healing within you, others and the planet.

No soul is bound by any universal law to remain with any person, any group or any situation if the Soul no longer chooses it to be so. The Soul chooses it, not to be so because that cycle is complete, that pathway has been fulfilled, nothing more to be done and when that is not honored that is when the problems set in. Dis-eases state will occur. The soul is creating a way out of the situation and the physical human is olbiding it’s obligation to the Soul. The heart chakra fragments immensely as well and this is what causes many heart wounds which influence ones ability to integrate the full power of love. We mourn for self and the world sorrow carries on.

Explanations, Rationalization, Clarification

Why did it take so long to gather this information and formulate works to decree the understanding of the frequencies?

The reason that these energies of the Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix are difficult to describe within a human reference, this is because we have not had the embodiment of the experience in the three dimensional reality. They simply do not fit in with anything we have a reference for in 3D levels. Before we had only so much that we could wrap our minds around, and we could only experience what our limited 3D thinking could imagine within its paradigm model. The lid was on, we did not yet have access to the higher ways and the higher dimensions and we could not yet have integrated and accommodated them if we did.

We have been frequenting the vibrations of late via astral travel. We are gathering much information concerning how the ancients accessed, utilized, and lived in harmony with the earth and the cosmos’s luminary life form. I belief some of these ancient ways have never really been fully recorded here before, as they are being revealed to the planet now. We as a whole will revert to them, as we piece things together through vast knowledge along with inter dimensional visions and impressions. We will realize that we were experiencing something very rare and different indeed and extremely highly evolved within this new internship of the higher realms in this dimension. The cosmic intelligence and ancients are illuminating us the information that will soon be the theme of the new teachings.

This is what is now occurring with the recent assessable vibrations of the Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix. The Divine Harmonic Universal Matrix is conveying the complete original story, as we spiral up the rungs of the ascension ladder. The energies of the Divine Harmonic Matrix grid can describe as truly godly. We have cracked open a massive geode of higher energy, and it is coming in like flooded damn. No gates and no holding back.

The DIVINE Harmonic Matrix energies are bringing us back to the original blueprint of the planet Earth and the remembrance of the Comic Soul. This is the blueprint of no suffering, struggle, or darkness. A time when there was no resistance to creation, as all creation came from the highest intentions. The path was free and clear; there was happiness, joy, freedom, love, and peace abounding, without pressure, or burdens of any kind. This is the Now frontier. The reality we are retuning to once more. The remembrance of immaculate and unspoiled, the moment before “Sin” was imagined and accepted.

As we come in touch with the Divine Harmonic universal Matrix Grid, one thing that is becoming very evident is that, our existing universe can only survive in innocence of the Divine essence. The Divine Harmonic Matrix still possesses energy of a pristine culture, energy of innocence, lacking any warring, dominance, or darker and denser energies. These vibrations were intended for here eons ago before things changed. The energies and ways of being of ancient cultures are so very similar to the energies that have been arriving, retuning and will continue to return.

As these energies of the Divine Harmonic Matrix persevere, our hearts are blossoming as well. Our physical bodies may release in the form emotional and physical pain.

Mentally, what we choose to focus upon will become true for us. So why not choose to focus on something positive and incredible. This is the moment of time of creating miracles effortlessly. The era of receiving what we never imagined in 3D was not possible before. Going outside the box of our old 3D limitations is now possible. The only requirement is to allow ourselves to enter by opening the door into the New Reality. The choice can be accomplished through thought and intent alone.

It is now time to be fully in our new creations. It is within these new creations we can now experience, all we have ever dreamed. Within this are additional concepts that we can subsequently teach others.
Now the time is here to remember what we always known from within. Take back a life without darkness, and negativity. Recreate life with none of the denser energies, emotions or illusions. Recall that this old reality was only a perception that existed within our minds and imaginations.

The higher ways of living and being are right in front of us, clear of the false density that had blocked us from our view of bliss.

Are you willing fully to connect? Are you willing to see what has been there all along? Are you willing to accept and receive authenticity? Be the authentic self?

Self...........Soul, Human, Spirit??????

Aspects of Self, Braiding of the Soul into linear form

The idea of self within physical form is indeed a three dimensional process.

As in all partnerships there is a give and take between the energy. The devout side often labeled as the soul has an agenda to embark on life lessons, chase them and to make great strides to resolve them. This is the Soul Aspect. As the eternal soul seeks development and experience, it encounters and inhabits the linear physical body to become matter. The linear self is the Human Aspect.

The Soul makes the Soul contracts and will use the Human that it is housed in, as its vehicle for the lifetime. The Human is like a RV for the Soul. When the willful Soul separates from spirit to accomplish its mission it will take the Human on a joy ride or a wild toad ride that may or may not be pleasant trip for the human aspect.

It is the human that feels the pain and it is the soul who carries it. The soul knows its intent but the ego attached to the physical manifestation becomes enraptured with the experience and loses all focus upon its original intent.

The Soul has a mission to carry out its contract. Sometimes the Soul is so willful it cannot see the whole, but only its own vision. A separate Soul does not seem to understand everyone else as a human also has a Soul mission and all humans have free will. The size of an ego may vary but ultimately it is merely a singular reflection of your soul and the entity you came from.

Human the physical form with ideas of its own from the inherited DNA patterns for this specific existence perceives the soul but then becomes much attached to the "little me" of the moment. Forgetting other lives for recognition of the self as it inhabits in the current physical form. This is the Human Aspect. The Human is the house of matter that allows Soul and DNA patterns to come to together and co-exist through this integration process of becoming the perspective of wholeness. This is the Braiding of the Soul into linear from for this lifehood. Remember we only carry the DNA pattern for this lifehood. The Soul chooses the patterning for the energy movement of transformation to occur in the life. The Soul choice is based even on a larger spectrum ,the DNA patterning carriers the archetypical wound of humanity that it choose to heal in this life time to restore the pattern for the highest aspect. This in turn even goes into a broader expansion into the realm of all conciseness of all time. Humanity chose to carry the energy to heal all aspects of woundedism to restore the LIGHT. Earth is the embodiment of all conciseness, all that has ever been convened. Example of the archetypal pattern the wounded healer becomes the spiritual embodiment of wholeness.
The human has the ability to create emotion. The emotion is its mechanism to create change. Emotion sparks energy, energy initiates motion = E-motion. E-motional pain is the resistance to the motion of the movement to experience through our bodies. To become a light body is to release our resistance to the experience of life. When we have no more resistance, we super-conduct consciousness and illuminate soul. To illuminate is to embrace the totality that we already are. Change exists because life is in motion, and motion is one of the three aspects of the original consciousness that underlies all of Creation. Everything in the universe springs from two complementary aspects of consciousness - thought and feeling - set into motion. The existence of motion as one of the fundamental components of Creation guarantees that change is continuous. The point of life is to experience infinite variations of expression of the one underlying consciousness, Divine essence.
Spirit Aspect holds the vision of the divine blueprint of the cosmic existence. It is the remembrance of the vision of wholeness and oneness of the l Divine Will. It’s task holding energy for the alignment of the Highest purpose. The marriage of the holy partnership with the Divine self the original pristine embodiment of the divine source of all there is into matter and holding the form.

The Little Me and the Soul Contact

This story is an example of the “little me” within the Soul Contact. Example would be Sue’s soul has a contract to heal Roy. She believes this debt is owed to Roy. It’s a payback from another time, maybe she felt responsible for his death in another life or more than likely her Soul transitioned with the belief that it didn’t do enough and was responsible. Therefore, her soul made a vow, a contract that she would heal Roy. Consequently, the two meet the vibration frequencies encoded within the souls are transmitted out. Roy contracts Cancer. Lovely, Sue is a holistic healer she knows exactly what to do. The game begins. Roy accepts all of her advice does everything she suggests. Roy heals.

Yea, it’s a Happy ending!! Story is not over. Roy’s soul contracts enter into play. Roy’s indenture to experience cancer was not only for the contract with Sue, but also to finish out lessons with others for his souls experience and growth. His crusade with cancer is not over. Sue can not see that this is not about her. She believes that her contract was not completed. That it was not accepted because she could not see total evidence of a physical cure. She cannot see that she did everything she could, in her own pain she detaches. That is her way to survive the emotional pain she’s created by believing that Roy is still suffering and that she didn’t do enough. Her Soul is stuck in its own dilemma she wants free of this contract. She begins to show signs of anger and resentment .This is emotion-creating action.

Sue can use this energy of anger to be mad enough to do something. By creating change for herself, this brings her out of the detachment into feeling alive again. She can use new insight she gained through the anger. The anger invoked internal dialogue with Sue. This is the drama triangle. She went from rescuer, victim, to persecutor.Back to Roy he had another contract with Sue. He would come to help teach Sue the difference between detachment and nonattachment for her souls own growth.

Detach is to disconnect with lack of interest in or involvement with other people or with worldly concerns. This disconnection is not healing. This is the energy of the soul fragments that I discussed that are encapsulated within the orbs.

Non-attachment is Living without attachment to the outcome the knowing all is of the Divine Order.

Soul Mission

For those of you who may not be familiar with the term Monad, this is my understanding of the Soul Monad. When the Divine source of all there is, ignited to experience all there is, and burst into particles from the infinite into aspects the Soul Monads where formed.

The Soul Monad is represented by 12 aspects of archetypal expression, which is expressed through one of the 12 Soul Selves. Each individual human being has a Soul. The human instrument houses the Soul. This Soul housed in the human being is one of the Soul Self aspects, which are part of a Soul Monad. The Soul Monad consists of 12 Soul Self expressions within the whole. Some of the Soul Self aspects may actually be in the third plane of existence simultaneously. That means living in the earth plane and experiencing life at the same period or overlapping time frame. Example one aspect could be 90years old living in South Africa and another 5years old living in South Bend Indiana USA.

The Soul Monad is working on the completing original script of life. This contract was placed in the beginning of existence. Completion occurs when to the original mission is remembered and the Soul Monad returns to oneness with the Divine infinite. In all reality, it never separated from the Divine to begin with. Because of the veils of illusion, clarity is lost and a Soul’s delusion is it separate from spirit. It has forgotten it was always in oneness. This is the acceptance of a Corrupted Matrix.

It is the Soul that “Sins” and carries the emotional traumas into the next existence, or what carries the label as Karma. The Monad’s mission is a little sidetracked at this point, as it has taken on the additional job of clearing from the emotional traumas that are experienced during the life journey. These are created from emotional attachment to the life experience, which is lodged in the auric field this is the creation of the orbs. Which are now blocking the perception of the Soul. The Soul Self is unable remember the original blueprint. As the Soul Monad clears, it evolves and begins to complete its original assignment. Some aspects of the 12 Soul Selves may have completed their assignment and already be evolved past the traumas. This is the entrance into total remembrance. These members do not have to return to the third plane to the earth plane. They are your cosmic cheerleaders so to speak, they hold the blueprint of the original mission. As more of the Monadic Soul Selves return to Divine Source in the seventh plane of existence the lessons gets easier, clearer on the earth plane. Clarity is more readily obtainable for the remaining Soul Self that is still engaged in the existence on the third plane, Earth. The third plane Earth is school; in this plane, the Soul Monad evolves by understanding the lessons and clears the contracts. Other Soul Selves may to living in other dimension, other parallel realities, their “stuff’ may filter down into this dimension and the Soul Self in this plane clears the traumas from the other dimensions. That is what happens when we seem to repeating lessons. As the Monad clears, it collapses into its self, by releasing and healing the archetypes.

Soul Groups are a collection of Soul Monads that came to the Earth to work on issues together. They carry the same vibration frequencies within the group, but may have some archetypical difference. This is their strength, but it can also become weakness. When the group looses perspective of the whole Divine and becomes too dogmatic with its agenda. The vision of the Group becomes the quest, and it is forgotten that it is apart of the whole. Example of this would be National agendas, Political groups, Religious fanatics, any type of Cult behaviors that believe they have the only answer to the only way. If someone within this group doesn’t wake up to diversity of the Whole Existence, we all stay trapped inside the delusion. These groups are working with a particular Matrix grid. The groups are actually here to break free from the Matrix grid they are working with. This does not mean this is your entire Soul Family nor does it mean you will consciously know the others while you are in this existence. You may be one who appears to work against the group. This challenge may help to bring action that creates change, which invokes energy for enlightenment and freedom from the Matrix grid.

Soul Families are many Soul Groups that are connected to the same mission, share archetypes but may appear to have different agendas that intertwine to create a whole construct. Example could be The Healer Archetype. You have energetic healers facilitating work in the best and highest way that consider their work holistic. There are many variations of healing modalities and all consider theirs the best. Next, you have Medical Doctors who have studied Allopathic medicine; the work appears to be different but the agenda is the same, to heal. These categories could be broke down even more, more separated from the whole purpose, which is to heal the human. This is one example of if we do not accept the diversity and see the unity we will all stay stuck.

What do we do with all this info?

Much of the chaos Humanity is experiencing is because we perceive ourselves to be an intelligence being apart from God. Some of us have even gone so far as to believe that all we are is our physical bodies, or the other spectrum of trying to reach spirituality by denying your humanness. We have come to this conclusion because we look at the outer world and judge what we see to be real.

The Truth is that we are multidimensional Beings, and the physical plane is just one of the dimensions in which we abide. Our material senses—sight, touch, sound, smell and taste—are limited and view only the physical plane. Actually, the dense physical plane that we think is so real is the least real of all of the dimensions, and it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that are taking place in the Realms of Cause and Effect. Earth plane has even been called the “world of illusion” because it is so distorted. Many cultures and concepts teach that this plane of existence is the dream. It is when we leave this existence we awaken from the dream. The denser the veil of illusion became as a result of our belief of separation from Grace, the more distorted our perception was and the more we clung to the material plane to give us a false sense of security. Prior to our imagined separation from Creator, we were very aware of the The Natural Laws, and we knew that we were the Co-creators of the earth plane. We knew that our thoughts, words, actions and feelings are constantly projected onto physical matter, thus manifesting in physical form. We realized that the Law of Attraction is a Creative Force from the Universal Source of All Life that flows through us constantly.Even though we lost the awareness of this Law and other Laws, it in no way changed the reality of the Law’s existence. Through the Law of Attraction, our Gift of Life flows through us and picks up the particular vibrations within our consciousness. Our consciousness is an accumulation of all of our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings. As the Creative Force of the Law of Attraction passes through us and picks up the vibrations of our consciousness, the synthesis of all energy vibrating here projects into physical matter. Accordingly, everything manifesting in our lives now, whether we are referring to our finances, health, relationships, careers, happiness, success or peace of mind, is a result of our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings.As long as Humanity holds within our consciousness the illusion that we are separate from Creator, we will experience distorted conditions of matter. Only when we realize our Oneness with Creation, will we Ascend out of the world of illusion and reflect the patterns of perfection within the Causal Body of Creator onto the physical plane, thus manifesting Heaven on Earth.Humanity has given power to physical matter. We have given our physical bodies power to elevate us or bring us down. We have given the body power to debilitate us through limits of sickness, poverty, unhappiness, and aging. We have allowed the distorted manifestation of physical matter to become our reality when, in Truth, it is an illusion created by our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Realize that physical life is a stairway to your enlightenment on a soul level. Each step important but it takes many steps to reach the next level. To judge your footsteps only impedes your process. Focus upon the stepping towards the goal, which is the reuniting with your intent and soul.

Progress occurs every moment; it just may not seem so from your current perspective. It is not as you imagined it. It is not an event but an intricately woven tapestry of many lives that may or may not crescendo in your current life. Understand that in the end, it is your soul intent that will prevail; you have free will choice of how easily the path will unfold. Silence your ego and the path will become more available but not necessarily final.

It is time for us to realize that our bodies and physical matter are not intelligent beings, but a product of our subconscious created by our relationship to emotions. Life forms separated from Creator, but rather they are a mass of atomic particles, energy controlled by our consciousness. NEVER DOES MATTER CONTROL CONSCIOUSNESS. Our bodies and our physical environments are merely reflections of our consciousness. That is why matter cannot be changed by sheer human will power any more than a reflection in a mirror can be changed if we don't change the object causing the reflection. We have plunked around trying to change outer-world situations instead of changing our consciousness, which is causing the outer-world conditions. This is a pointless endeavor and can only be amended by raising our consciousness and remembering that we are One with Creation. Remembering we have chosen to be here Now at this point of actualization. Our globe emulates our consciousness into physical matter and we entered the dumping ground of Earth’s consciousness.
The Earth's consciousness has become the dumping ground for our emotional fears. Tapping into this outer consciousness by externalizing our search for spirituality and truth, by giving our power away to false prophets and false masters, false gods and false angels, by using unbalanced symbols and building radical energy bodies will only serve to bring in this outside fear-driven, unbalanced consciousness into our energy fields. And, over time, will feed us more emotional imbalances and create a semi-permanent connection into our energy fields that can ultimately block our natural flow of spiritual energy and even reverse this flow all together.
When we actually accept our I AM Presence as ourselves and not some separate “self,” our environment and our world will reflect an entirely new picture. When we release and abstain from regrets and resentment, we disengage the blame game. Instead of conflict, we will live in harmony and peace. Instead of disease, we will manifest wholeness. In place of scarcity, we will have abundance. For many, this process is beyond the reasoning of the outer mind, but the Divine existence is beginning to reveal it as an inner knowing. As we release the illusion of our separation from Creator, again becoming One with our Divine existence, our power will be withdrawn from matter. Matter will then be perceived as a mass of atoms waiting to take on our consciousness and to imitate the Perfection of Will. When we accept the Divine existence as the master of our bodies and environments, we experience freedom from limitation. The Light of Divine will then transform all distorted beliefs and the separation that binds us to negativity and we will transform matter with our thoughts.It is time for us to begin transforming our consciousness by knowing and ACCEPTING our true Divine Reality. We must now go within and restore a loving relationship with our Divine existence, the part of ourselves that creates Divine Reflection. When we begin to recognize our Divine Reality, we see our true self. It is the all knowing, all caring, all loving and all powerful. We see our true self authentically through the eyes of Creator. Then we realize that the Will of Creator is within each of us NOW.

Inner Awakening Matrix

What is the inner awakening matrix?
Where does it come from?
How did we get bound?
How do we release it?
What happens after the release?

Inner Awakening Matrix™
August 21, 2007 I was downloaded from Creator a technique that is new to me. Sunday August 19,2007 I received a message that a new energy concept would come to my awareness the name given was Inner Awakening Matrix(I AM).August 21,2007 I was working with a friend ,client, colleague sharing information that I brought back from my 8 day trip to Idaho Falls teaching assisting at Vianna Stibal’s Thetahealing teachers Certification. Vianna shared with us her new technique in releasing sorrow from the heart with tone. I went into Theta to facilitate the client by supporting her with the technique of releasing sorrow. By the grace of Creator, we where gifted and downloaded together with information that evolved into a healing sequence. The following days the technique unfolded.

For several years I have been receiving information from Creator of a higher vibrational energy system that we as humans will be evolving into that carries more light capacity. Others have received this same information that we will emerge into a unified chakra system.
I front of my eyes this system revealed itself. The information was received in light and tone and translated itself into a descriptive language as I shared the information and witnessed activation of the new grid within others.
This is the channeled information that was revealed and witnessed. Through Creator I guided Carolyn into her inner being as a light. We where given the instructions for her to permit herself to go to the organs of where she held wounds of humanity. This is what I witnessed: I saw a black net wrapped around her intestines. I guided her to go into the intestine to tone to release this webbing. Instead of tone we both witnessed a light explode outward like fireworks then we heard a tone, this proceeded up her entire system. We realized after we got to the throat that this energy release technique flowed up through the chakra system. Precisely flowing into and releasing specific organs related to the according chakra. When we reached the throat there where multiple chambers within the throat. We where given language that represented each chamber. We had to release the throat before we could release through heart. Once in the heart we encounter 4 chambers within the heart. After we finished with the Carolyn we where going to facilitate the same with me. We commanded the work take place and instead we witnessed another grid reveal.
As I began to center within my heart, I witnessed what I call the Core Star. I see the Core Star as a diamond shaped faceted crystal that spins between heart and throat at the chest area. The Core Star to me is the pure energy of your soul essence. (I have been working with this for years and have other techniques using the Core Star) From my Core Star a light beam descended into the earth this light beam was labeled the Thread of Conscious. The thread of conscious connected to another star below my feet the Earth Star. As this activated I witnessed an infinity symbol looping in horizontal fashion below my feet. After that fully ignited a light ascended to my knees and another infinity symbol activated at my knees after this stabilized the light ascended to my hips, a third infinity symbol activated at my hips. The center point of the hip infinity symbol‘s energy intersected the location of where the root chakra is located. The light energy went up my middle column reconnecting to the Core Star at the chest. Then an infinity symbol activated at the location of what was the heart chakra. This energy looped up to the area known as the throat charka and when to the crown chakra area. These infinity symbols interloped like a chain. From that point, after the energy stabilized a third Star activated above my head this was labeled the Solar Star. In this moment Carolyn and I where confused, but ecstatic. Where are no words to explain the awareness that came with this connection. Carolyn became drowsy and needed to lie down. I wanted to go on through my own organs and release the black webbings that I had witnessed within Carolyn from my own self. I proceeded to my healing table. I was downloaded with more information.

That evening my regular meditation class was meeting in my office. I explained to my class what had happened during the day and that I was still processing. I was being guided to turn this over to Creator during mediation for the allowance of receiving more information. In this supportive group energy specific directions where given and recorded via the group process. Subsequently more information was received the following days.
The next night I awoke with the message of “This is the awakening retunement of the unified chakra field and activation retunement of the light body’’. Well either one of the concepts is actually new to the “New Age” seekers and initiates. Many people are familiar with these terms and I know these activations have already occurred with other vibrational techniques. In the past then the unified chakra field forms, meaning all chakras are blended together in an oval surrounding the body, resulting in emotions experienced throughout the whole body. The recipient could feel the inclination to withdraw from human life. Since all human emotional desires cease to control the being, it is uncomfortable to engage in human “games”. Consequently, the person can come across as being aloof. By releasing the Inner Locked Magnetic Matrices with the Inner Awakening Matrix Technique the shift is demised and easier transition occurs freeing the recipient from entrapment of the collective consciousness demands. The recipient gains clarity of perception of the Divine Intention.
The following morning I called another long time friend and colleague, Janet to share with her this technique. We proceeded to activate the grid within Janet’s inner being field. This is actually when the understanding of the activation of the Lightbody formed into language with this process. During Janet’s activation, I witnessed the Lightbody Activate. As the inner locked magnetic matrices released from her organs, beams of lights connected to the next point creating a grid, which looked like constellations. Within the constellations, sacred geometry symbols arose. We where told the sacred geometry symbols would be assemble med differently amongst humanity in different sequences. This has to do with energies each lightbody is designated to carry. All beings have a Lightbody, which is an extension of energy or light connecting to Source. Here is the interconnection to your physical body it’s a multi-dimensional body of light that has space/time implications, linking you to all dimensions and all Universal memory.

Following information is a summarization of collective assessment of the information process downloaded from the Creator of All there is.

What are these Inner Locked Matrices? Where and when were they formed and what was their purpose?
They represent the wounds of humanity. The original chakra system acts as vortex energy. Emotional energy is funneled and absorbed into the human instrument. The emotional energies are flooded through the pathways that link your anatomical systems and organs and glands to specific chakras and levels of your energy body. Often we store stagnated unresolved energy in these energy pathways and this creates the blocks for healing vibrations to flow into our physical cells and to the weaker anatomical systems of our physical body. The acceleration of healing for our physical body’s systems are focused on as damaged occurred from a stagnated system is released. The wounds HUMANITY COLLECTED INTO SPECFIC ORGANS REPRESNTED BY EACH CHAKRA.
The original chakra system is separated in its function from front to back. The front of the chakras functions as emotional energy and the back self will. Where is a filter like between the front and back of the chakras .This sometimes clogs up creating dysfunction within the energy body. This blockage created the magnetic pull, which created the holding pattern of the wounds of humanity to be stored within the individual’s energy system. This keeps us locked into old Archetypical paradigms .All blockages are released. Instead of being conical, the chakras start to become spherical and overlap each other’s fields. This configuration permits information from his or her lightbodies (fields of energy which surround the physical body) to come through more easily, including communication with the Higher Self.
The Inner Matrix Awakening activates the unified chakra field, a system of multidimensional refractive points. This illuminates the original divine blueprint, accessing Gateway Chakras. These additional chakras have always been a part of us as our pure potential. This Galactic activation brings in the Christ consciousness. It connects and unifies all the energies of the lightbody with the physical body, providing us with a deeper connection to our spiritual essence.
The unified chakra awakening is a powerful process that will assist you to: Increase your spiritual awareness. Bring about a peaceful state of mind. Address apathy and low energy. Awaken your soul and nervous system .Increases the amount of light in your body. It supports your metamorphosis at every level. The unified chakra awakening creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field.
It helps screen out other people's perceptions of reality. Most of you walk around in other peoples' energies because you light bodies are separated and stagnated with the inner locked matrices. The key objective for Lightworkers, is to get in your bodies and understand that your energy is a unified system of oneness and wholeness.
The collected wounds of the collective consciousness created magnetized webbing that appears like nets around the specified organs. The Inner Awakening Matrix uses light to release the grids holding the wounds of humanity which create dysfunction within our being. Tone is then used to set up a sonic wave which will rebound any absorbed energies back into light. The Inner Awakening brings focus deeply on the energy clearing between specific anatomical systems of your physical body and the other levels of your energy body. This opens our cells to more of our Divine Presence which will transcend the wounds of humanity into wholeness.
The opportunity of supportive energy that unbolted on Earth during time of the lunar eclipse on August 28, 2007 and the following partial solar eclipse on September 11, 2007 was a very significant gateway for humanity. This gateway allowed awareness during the preceding week many where downloaded with understandings of the Earth Infinity Grids that are available to access Now. Divine timing, has created a huge shift in the construction of the mass consciousness of humanity which will also create a great fulfillment in your being.
During this eclipse gateway the opportunity of information to retune and align the entire being was transmitted. You will be able to retune and align your body, your spirit, your soul, and your evolutionary conscious. This is a grand ILLUMIOUS time.
Retuning your ESSENCE is very much like rebooting your computer. When you upload a new computer program you have to turn off your computer and start up again so that the new program will work appropriately. That accurately emphasizes what's going to transpire with you in this gateway. Once rebooted, the old programs systems and expressions will no longer work suitably. So if you're finding that certain areas of your life are not flowing or manifesting in the way they should, maybe this is the universe saying that it is an old outdated program, and it is time to delete it from your consciousness.
From the June 21, 2007 solstice, to the Perseid meteor showers culminating on August 12, 2007, you received, whether you were aware of it or not, new programs in your consciousness. Now it is time to put them to work. If you are feeling the building pressure in your chest, almost to the point where you feel like you can't breathe, then you are already feeling this reboot.
This energy will allow you to let go of the old world. Let go of your past, your wounds, your betrayals, your insecurities, and even your beliefs that you are somehow not a brilliant masterful being. You will expand to the awareness of it is time to release Saviorship and be the complete being of light that reflects the energy of I hold the place for your light, how may I reflect this to you.
The activation of the Earth Infinity Grid brings synthesis of unanimity via the thread of conscious by interconnecting the Earth Star, the Core Star, the Soul Star and the Solar Star.
Your Earth Star is your individual connection with the energies of a harmonious relationship with the planet and anchors the body into the time and space coordinates of the planet. The Earth Star point connects us to the Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields. The Earth Star point forms prior to birth in the geographic location and familial circumstances required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s journey and the key to this life’s infinite paths. It contains the memory of the One Path that is the Soul’s Highest Intent for this lifetime. The New Light of this energy center represents the concept that this lifehood is the completion of the current Planetary Cycle of karma, its limitations, and its anguish. After this activation, this lifehood of physical incarnation will begin to remember mastery, experience expanded awareness, and prepare with all life forms in the Universe for an evolutionary shift closer toward the Divine Essence. Recognition of the varied other Consciousness within the Universe at large and in the various other dimensions of time and space and our connection to them is highlighted. Earth incarnation is not experienced as restrictive but as the time for expansion and transformation that will result in a heaven on Earth, a new cycle of existence, or the Golden Age of the human species. The Earth Star point color vibration is dark silver or black. The field of influence is the recognition of assisting the true purpose of the greater plan of the greater aspect of the individual’s earth purpose.
The Thread of Conscious ascends up the body and activates the knee infinity symbol. This yields the energy of the ability to dissolve the emotional attachment to past and stand in the empowerment of the knowledge and wisdom gained with the ability to move forward on the path of awareness.
The Thread of Conscious then moves to the activation point of the infinity symbol located at the hips. This is the knowing understanding of the Divine perception of survival, the absolute of beingness. It connects you to the Almighty Infinite essence of this. This energy concept is uploaded into every cell of your body from this assimilation point that intersects with the energy position of the root chakra. Traveling up your middle column after releasing the Inner locked magnetic Matrices as you travel up your organ systems you will carry the power to activate into the Lightbody of the original Divine Blue print.
The Core Star unifies with the Heart. Core Star is the core of divine truth of your individual essence, within lies purity and pristine energy of who you are. At this point, the Heart charka transforms into an vertical infinity symbol that interconnects the throat to the pineal, activating the master cell to the crown. This will ignite the activation of the Solar Star. The Solar Star is above the head, above the crown chakra
Crown chakra is located at the top of the head at the crown. The Soul braids into the physical body through the Crown Chakra. This Chakra if open and clear connects to the Gateway or Ascension Chakras: the Golden Crown, the Causal Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra, and also the Stellar Gateway, a vortexing tunnel which transmits energy and information from Cosmic Intelligences and the Divine Source. The Crown Chakra is the seat of enlightenment and vibrates to the Coherent Light color rays of violet, gold, or pure white. It is ruled by the element of Pure Spirit. The Old Age Archetype of this Chakra depicted it as closed to most of humanity. Only those few, the Great Teachers, the Messiah, or the Buddha were capable of Enlightenment. The New Light and New Time Archetype of this Chakra represents the energy of initiation, which is available to all who choose to respond to the vibration of the New Light and the frequency of the New Time. No longer an exclusive Gateway, the Crown Chakra transmits energy of enlightenment throughout the Collective Consciousness. Thus enlightenment is the culmination of a process of initiation that may be completed by only a few, but will be available to all.
Gateway chakras are not new. They have always existed within the Chakra system, but the information that is transmitted through them is usually deposited in the unconscious. As the New Light vibration and the New Time frequency begins to filter into the Mass Consciousness these Chakras will transmit information in a more coherent and conscious process for all who embrace the New Light and the New Time and begin the Ascension Process. The first rarified Chakra is called “The Golden Crown.” This Chakra is just above the Crown Chakra center and contains the Akashic Records of the Soul’s incarnations. Once cleared and flowing, the memory of the Soul can be accessed through the Golden Crown Chakra. Above the Golden Crown is the “Causal Chakra.” This important Vortex lies at the outer edge of the aura and in companionship with the Assemblage Point and the Heart Chakra regulates the flow of energy from the Soul Star Chakra to the body. In practice, it regulates Soulbraiding and enables the physical body to attune to the increased energy of Soul Consciousness and to the Higher Density Light existence that results from the Soulbraiding. Contained within it is the Higher Self, a more pure expression of the Soul’s energy, which communicates directly from the Soul a deep knowledge of right action in every situation. The Higher Self is often the first part of the Soul’s expression that begins communication through dreams or through expanded elements of intuition. Above the Causal Chakra is the Soul Star Chakra. Its name is self-explanatory for it is through this Chakra the Soul braids into the physical body at the time of incarnation, and it is through this Chakra the Soul leaves the physical body at death. It is also through this Chakra additional Soulbraiding occurs which results in the increased vibration and frequency of the cells and atoms of the body. Access to the Soul Star Chakra increases direct contact with the Soul and the communication of the Soul’s Intent is enhanced. Above the Soul Chakra is the Stellar Gateway, which is often depicted as a tunnel of Pure Light or a Portal that connects the Soul to the Divine Source. Activation and clearing of this Chakra opens a Cosmic doorway to all of the Light Densities and enhances communication with Enlightened Beings that exist in the Densities of Light beyond the physical worlds. The fields of influence that are facilitating Conscious access of the Ascension Chakras and the transmutation for Earth and Her Life forms from 1999-2012 are the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Zero Point Field in Quantum physics.

The Solar Star is the connection to the remembrance of the Cosmic connection of the greater plan of the greater aspect.
In the completion of the amalgamation of the Earth Star, Core Star, Soul Star and the Solar Star you will have completely crossed the bridge and have begun acclimatizing to the new frequencies. It is a much higher altitude/frequency than you are used to. It will take some adjusting. This is what you might call the shift to the ages. You have pushed the evolution envelope by your strong will, tenacity and strong intense spiritual focus. You know your enlighten self and won’t hear yourself thinking that you are less than a lighted master. You are the first human beings in a dualistic 3-D reality that has been able to push the envelope, be open to the fact that what lies ahead of you in the very near future is wildly astonishing, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious, and a place you remember deep inside as home. Why will it be this way you ask? Because you not only wanted this new reality, and believed it was possible, and now beginning to act as if this amazing new future is already here. When you do act as if, you quit being an initiate, and step into the role of the living master.

Wounds of humanity Compassion
How and when where the wounds created? When I ask this question the first time I received just keep writing stay focused and the answer will come. Two mornings later I awoken about 5 am and it was revealed to me. I was questioning life and an issue of my own. I was going through my organs releasing the webbing of the Inner Locked Matrices I thought why did I take this on, how did I do this and I heard. ”Out of your own stubbornness, from the first time you didn’t forgive yourself”. I had an inner vision and I saw the web being knitted every time I felt the same emotion and didn’t release through forgiveness it made another loop in the net. The wounds of humanity are actually created when we edge out god-self from embracing and forgiving ourselves. The damage occurred when first act of non forgiveness came about. The subject of self forgiveness was relinquished and left out of life's equation. Every act of forgiveness is part of relationship to self. We seldom give our permission to have less than perfect outcomes in our lives. Being less than perfect is part of the false impression for the course of our human experiences and lessons. We learn our life lesson's through trial and error. If we continue to judge ourselves constantly, we will overlook the path of self forgiveness and the reward of authenticity.
This ache can linger for years. Then it becomes a pattern that reflects in all situations. We feel we could have done better or we should’ve. We judge ourselves for things as small as not remembering .We make excuses by lying to someone we love causing hurt and pain, because we didn’t believe our truth was good enough. We don't allow ourselves to be humanly compassionate to ourselves. We plague ourselves with the thoughts of why, why, why and believe that we have to hold on so we won’t create the same err again. This creates the initial vibration which continues to build frequency every time we feel the same emotion we collect and hold on, our organs become a colluder and we lock it in with the web. Maybe that’s what the phrase “Oh the webs we weave’, is interfering to?
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake. Accepting the actions of yourself or others which you felt were harmful or negative based on your personal perception.

We are our own worst enemy in our own victim hood. We may believe that holding and harboring grudges does harms way to another person. We are in fact damaging self by covering up a fear under our own anger. Anger is not the final emotional destination we have when we are upset with some one. Underneath any anger are additional fears that we bury and play hide and seek with grasping to understand ourselves. True healing of our relationship to others can be accomplished this way trough forgiveness and understanding this was created from our own fear. Course of miracles teaches where are only two feelings Love and Fear and Fear is lack of love. What is so hideous within the self that we must conceal? It is the untruth we carry, the belief that we are separate and inherited flaws.
Self forgiveness is so very essential to releasing humanity from its trespasses.

Tremendous energy is expended to suppress the feelings we have about our own short comings. If we forgive whatever we judge as inferior within ourselves, this can set free the many ties that bind us from experiencing happiness. Wounds not forgiven are carried by the soul into the next life hood. Forgiveness is the opportunity to heal future, release the past and experience of true joy of living in the moment fully present in our truth. The truth will set you free

Our authentic truth, not the made up pretend truth, the perceived truth of what we think others want us to say, nor the protective truth that we speak because we think it is the their truth. We are only holding back our truth to protect ourselves from giving our power away. This is an illusion self postulated. No one can take our power we give it away in the moment we give our energy to some external force, a belief. We deny our truth and take on the energy of another. Renounce self, disempower our being, our knowing of inner truth, this yields victim hood. No one can perpetuate victim hood but self. Maybe we gave our power away to be liked or accepted or because we feared the true power of self knowledge. Somewhere, some how we believed we should endure such grief. Maybe we come to this lifehood with the belief that we where separate in some way. Maybe it’s not pain but growth of self realization. Resolving the polarity is the key of healing.
This polarity can hold us back from spiritual and personal growth. What keeps us going back and forth? What drives our inner struggle?
Sometimes we feel alone or that we're the only one with a particular issue. This is a false reality or illusion. We have all come from the same source. As humans we are all interconnected within the same field of energy. Each of us has similar core issues too. They are buried beneath the surface. This information is accessed by the subconscious mind knows this and can create fears.
Everyone shares the following core issues:
Number One:Core Fear we are separated from GodWe are born we are no longer are a part of the "one" or "unity" we came from. It's a shock to become a being separated into two parts. This causes a polarity struggle we will fight our whole life. We will want to be reunited with our oneness our whole lives. Since we cannot consciously go back without attaining enlightenment it then leads into the next core issue.
Number Two: Core belief we are inherently flawedNow that we are living in polarity which is flawed, feel that there must be something wrong with us. How many times in life to we doubt ourselves? Those types of thoughts come from this Core Belief. When we operate from a belief that we are "inherently flawed", a tremendous amount of secondary fears arise. Such as: fear of confrontation; fear of taking a chance; fear of making a decision; fear of relationships and many others. If we think we are not good enough then it can be very hard to believe in ourselves and open to healthy experiences.
As an individual we have unique experiences that cause the accumulation of other secondary fears, beliefs, and perceptions of life. Our unique experiences create a world specific to us which can be negative or positive (fear or faith). Of course our daily lives are full of both types of moments.
We must have greater faith in ourselves and compassion for others to release the fears that take so much energy from our lives. It can be easier to walk the path on our journey if we understand everyone shares the same core issues. We can stand in allowance of self and merge into compassion for humanity.
We actually store these wounds within our organs which act as an energy reservoir which hold on to the emotional energy. A blockage occurs when a pattern is established by a collection of events we froze and locked in. We didn’t use our energy to transmute; there was an inference in the pattern of the sequencing of energy. A block is created in the neuro receptors and physical and chemical imbalance occurs within the human instrument. This sets up an intrinsic pathway. A known path found in body part. Occurring wholly within or belonging wholly to a part of the body such as an organ. Belonging to something as one of the basic and essential features that make it what it is an intrinsic part of the plan by or in itself, rather than because of its associations or consequences has no intrinsic value.
So how do we release the path of no intrinsic value? One way to do this is, disengage the energy with another frequency, a different vibration. The vibration of Light and seal it with sound by toning. Sound this hidden power is limitless, and holds an amazing ability to heal and transform.
Toning and Sound: Toning is a technology and Light language for the multi-dimensional transmission of Light, color, codes, and geometries. Toning is a process of using these vibrations with the purpose to create healing within you, others and the planet.

No soul is bound by any universal law to remain with any person, any group or any situation if the Soul no longer chooses it to be so. The Soul chooses it, not to be so because that cycle is complete, that pathway has been fulfilled, nothing more to be done and when that is not honored that is when the problems set in. Dis-eases state will occur. The soul is creating a way out of the situation and the physical human is obliging it’s obligation to the Soul. The heart chakra fragments immensely as well and this is what causes many heart wounds which influence ones ability to integrate the full power of love. We mourn for self and the world sorrow carries on.